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The World of Sabrina Simulation.

Writer: Wanda WallaceWanda Wallace


This computer driven simulation is designed for younger women (and men) to encourage their thinking about the potential choices in challenging situations. Peer debate encourages them to see that there are many options, each with its own consequences for career advancement, workload and impact. It’s dynamic, highly engaging, fun and oriented towards peer discussion. There is a 2-hour virtual version and a 6-hour face-to-face version.

The need for this tool

High potential women in their mid-career are leaving organizations at higher rates than their male counterparts. We find that the main reason is frustration with their career progress which occurs either because of a lack of discussion about next steps or a barrier to progress.

These women note the challenges in getting promoted, gaining visibility, navigating boundaries between work and personal life, negotiating pay and managing some relationships, to name a few. Advance preparation for these challenges, before they occur and before missteps impact reputation, will leave women less frustrated and more likely to stay longer. The World of Sabrina Simulation is designed to do just that – provide insight on options before the challenges become obstacles.

What is it?

The World of Sabrina simulation is a competitive, classroom-based experience in which women encounter challenging situations, debate alternatives and see the consequences. There are no “right” answers just ones with different consequences.

Small teams debate the options, reach a consensus decision and compete with other teams for the best outcomes in stakeholder management, progression readiness and business impact. The scenarios each team encounters are based on years of experience teaching and coaching senior women. The simulation is computer-based business.

What are the key learnings?

• Appreciating the value of alternative perspectives before making a choice.

• Experiencing the power of having a network to consult. 

• Improving ability to become a more effective agent of your own career.

• Recognizing consequences for each choice and resulting impact on reputation, relationships and manage risks.

• Discovering the connection between effective conversations, increasing trust and maximizing collaboration.

• Improving awareness of Emotional Intelligence through seeing how others view the world.

• Understanding how to use a mentor.

Speak to us now about implementing the World of Sabrina into your business. The World of Sabrina simulation experience is a 6-hour experience. The workshop requires one certified facilitator per five teams with four to five people in each team.

Hardware requirements are minimal: Laptop for each team and access to Google Chrome. Clients can provide laptops or arrange for Leadership Forum to supply laptops.


Depending on client need and target audience, we can customize for your company. Customization options range from full customization of scenarios to minor changes in text.


Our network of experienced consultants is ready to deliver half or full-day workshops for groups of up to 25 participants. Ask about our event management platform, which allows for delivering conferences to large groups.


Online and in-house certification allows organizations to customize the learning experience. We will support you to scale in a cost-effective way using your internal staff.

If you're interested in running the Sabrina Simulation, please get in touch.


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