Episode Summary
Dr. Wanda Wallace, Managing Partner of Leadership Forum, LLC, coaches, facilitates and speaks on improving leadership by improving the quality of conversations. She specializes in helping women and men get to the top, stick and thrive. She hosts a weekly podcast: Out of the Comfort Zone. Her latest book is You Can’t Know It All: Leading in the Age of Deep Expertise. Follow her on LinkedIn and Twitter @AskWanda and at www.wandawallace.com.
Who’s your ideal client and what’s the biggest challenge they face?
What are the common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem?
What is one valuable free action that our audience can implement that will help with that issue?
What is one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that will help with that issue?
What’s the one question I should have asked you that would be of great value to our audience?
When was the last time you experienced Goosebumps with your family and why?